About Us
The company has its roots all the way back in 1700, when its primary function was the manufacture of wooden dipping pens. Ever since then we are built on a bedrock of hard work, exploration and innovation. At present Mr. P Mohamed Ilyas carries on the legacy with his sons. This company and its innovations have been part of people's lives for 5 generations and is continuing to move forward. One of our newest developments is the inaugration of a new unit in the Channapatna Craft Village. Channaptana has always had a role in the local toy making traditions. It is what we have been known for, for many generations.
However it was during the time of Tipu Sultan that there was an uptake in the activity. This is because Dussehra is a very important festival for us, and it was during that festival that our people would make toys and ornaments for Dussehra. BAC has its beginnings in wooden dipping pens, but we soon adopted our most long lived traditions and put our artisans' skills to good use to produce the unique lacquer painted, environment friendly toys that we were always known for. The Factory itself is very old and presently has 3 or more units around Channapatna. However, the family has been in this business for 3 generations. It is something we love to do and are extremely proud of.

Let's Get Comfortable
We constantly change the technology with the changing world and update our strategies as per demand. We have a long list of customers and contacts with whom we have been doing business for years.
Now we are planning to have more outreach by collaborating with designers and other toy manufactures. We wish to keep up the preserve the tradition and bring a positive impact to many lives in the world.