Bharath Art and Craft always tries to give importance to the women in the society. Many young girls were trained to do the lathe turning skills to earn their livelihood with dignity.In the beginning we had only one female employee and now its a rather large number. The way we went about it was that we recruited women from around the locality. Some were working in brick factories/kilns or other manual labor related work. Some were recently 12th pass and so needed means to sustain themselves and their family. In the beginning they were a bit apprehensive. But then we managed to teach them the ways of toy making, and they in turn taught it to the newer recruits. And so we managed to create a network of women who were supportive to each other and were ready to learn and teach this new craft. We even encouraged them to travel together and made the provisions for a bus pass so they could travel.

The women artisans are very skilled and hardworking. They learn important skills quickly put that into practice. An earning woman is a good support to the family.
“We managed to teach them the ways of toy making, and they in turn taught it to the newer recruits. And so we managed to create a network of women who were supportive to each other and were ready to learn and teach this new craft.”